Vision + Direction

Aldea’s staff and leadership team is guided by six statements of vision.

  • The Aldea community centralizes human flourishing & spiritual growth- as inspired by Jesus & other spiritual teachers - in all of its relationships and endeavors, by holding love as our highest value.

    Love at the Center

  • The Aldea community practices mindful living, cultivating a deep sense of presence and gratitude in everyday life.

    Living in the Present

  • The Aldea welcomes and serves with compassion all people, with particular sensitivity towards those who are pushed to the margins of life in our local and global communities.

    Justice & Equality

  • The Aldea community encourages holistic personal development, including emotional, spiritual, and relational growth. 

    Holistic Wellness

  • The Aldea community shapes its practice of spirituality by cultivating an appreciation of the wisdom found in a variety of faith traditions, whilst recognizing the influence and significance of the Christian tradition in our history.

    Spiritual Diversity

  • Aldea facilitates community development through humble and openhearted conversations that enable us to honor our diverse experiences, while learning from and encouraging one another. 

    Openhearted Community